Google RankBrain & AMP: The Future of SEO?

By Local SEO, SEO

Ask any self-respecting online or digital marketing agency in Toronto that’s been around from the beginning. SEO was solely wrapped up in optimizing page reads, creating relevant backlinks, and building sensible, keyword-driven content. Not anymore. These days, SEO is chiefly

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How Much is Your Google Ranking Worth?


Many web owners, both newbies and those with more experience, wonder how much their Google ranking is worth to their business. More importantly, they wonder how much a #1 ranking with Google would be worth. Naturally, the worth of your

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Blackhat SEO: Why You Need to Avoid It


Blackhat SEO: Why You Need to Avoid It Search engine optimization is, in many ways, like the Wild West of the web. A lot of people will do anything that it takes to improve the ranking of their websites. While

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