What is Responsive Web Design?
So what exactly is Responsive Web Design?
You may find yourself wondering now that you have come to this page of the internet and, well, today you are in luck my friend because I am going to break down exactly what “Responsive Web Design” really is. Gone are the days of creating two separate designs for both mobile and PC. Responsive design makes it possible to simply include one whole design that will rescale to fit any screen size and allow for user accessibility no matter the screen type and/or size.
Responsive Website Design is an approach to web design where the designer codes the website so that it is able to respond and resize to various device types. An example would be viewing a website on a mobile device, a tablet, a full size desktop computer or even an 80” big screen TV. The point of the design is that it is able to easily scale to fit any dimensions and be viewed easily and accessibly.
Responsive Web Design is one of the hottest trends in web design currently in 2013 and shows no signs of slowing down as people move more towards using their mobile devices and tablets to surf the web. The more people that use mobile for website browsing and viewing content, the more the need exists for cohesive design to match.
The Look of Responsive Web Design
The look and feel of a responsive web design should mimic that of a regular website, it should only be when the window size is scaled down to mobile-sized proportions that the design actually changes face. This is seemingly necessary as when navigating on a mobile device your screen real estate is limited so there is no room for full page navigation menus and graphical sliders.
In fact the mobile sized design should allow for maximum user interaction via touch, therefore the smaller the responsive design the easier it should be for the user to navigate your site by using easy to touch buttons.
How Does Responsive Web Design Work?
In a typical responsive designed website the page elements are all sized by proportion rather than pixels, so each element should take up a percentage of space on the page so that it can be easily resized as the window grows and shrinks. Responsive websites use fluid grids to accomplish this and most of the imagery is also sized this way. No matter what the element, nothing will be fixed to a specific size and it will allow for window resizing to take place and display the website in the size of the user’s window.
Why Your Business Needs to Switch to Responsive Web Design
Now more than ever people are using their mobile devices for shopping, price comparison and looking up content on the go. If they are searching for your product or service, if your site isn’t optimized for their device you may lose the conversion and thus cost your business profits. A recent study found that 45% of adults own a smartphone, and 31% own a tablet. This number is increasingly growing towards smartphones and tablets and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing.
Webmasters should check their analytics to see exactly how many visitors are coming from mobile and they may be shocked to see just how many are actually using smartphones and tablets. The bottom line is that you are leaving money on the table by not providing an easy way to access your services and/or products across all screen types, and responsive design allows for that easily and effectively.
Contact Us today to see how we can help transform your business’ website into a responsive one that will ensure you reach your customers no matter their screen size.